Friday, 28 January 2011

Christmas project

So for Christmas i had a project.. to make a dress! just in calico.. it was pretty easy until I had fight with the zip and it won... but my friend saved my life... and the zip lost!! Yay!!
                                                     Here's a picture of my flatmate in it!
This term, we have to adapt it them by adding gathers and pleats etc.. in different panels by moving darts and changing seams. Keep you posted on development and design ideas!! :)

Sunday, 16 January 2011


So this semester, I chose to do knit wear as my elective..(apparently there's only 3 university's that do it in the level of my course!) so definitely a good opportunity for getting placements :)
oh yes.. and I've got the opportunity to use proper knit machines.. I've knitted a few samples... but i fell out with the 10 gauge machine.. as it didn't like any of my thread and it kept breaking them and unthreading my work!!! but the chunky knit was ammazingggg. Cant wait to knit myself a chunky cardigan and jumpers!! 

So while I was researching knit designs I came across Sandra Backlund in my 'Textiles Now' book  by Drusilla Colle. Her work is so imaginative in design and her use of texture is brilliant and will help me so much with design ideas and developments. 
Here are a few of my favourites.. from her different collections. This first one is my absolute favourite with the actress Tilda Swinton modelling!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Uni 1st term..

Starting uni this year.. is so different from last year in foundation. The work load is huge, but I'm loving every minute off it. Here are a few things that I have done... mainly just portfolio boards. I also used photoshop for the first time to colour in my designs. although it was very stressful my flatmate Hannah managed to save me by teaching how!! 

Foundation 2009-2010

Here is just some of my dresses that I made last year. 

Finally starting my blog!!

As I spend so much time on my laptop at uni I thought it was time to start a blog! i also thought an online portfolio to keep a track of my developmental work, inspiration and finished pieces, would be a good idea too!
Its taken me so long to do this as I am so bad at using technology it was a struggle just to add a background!!
Yes I am a Looser,  no technically challenged!